About J.D. Mitschke


My Story

About the Author: J.D. Mitschke

J.D. Mitschke has an extensive educational background in the psychological sciences and is the author of “Modern-Day Liberalism: Exploring the Psychological Foundations of the Disorder.”

• Master of Arts, Counseling, San Francisco State University, S.F., CA.

• Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA.

• Bachelor of Metaphysical Science. B. Msc. International Metaphysical Ministry.

• Hypnotists Examining Counsel of California—Certified Master Hypnotist

• Hypnosis Instruction—Provided to Individuals & Groups

• Natural, Psychic, & Spiritual Healing Workshop Presentations

• Presenter of Workshop Series Entitled: “The Structure of The Personality & The Primary Human Emotions”

• Financial & Life Skills Counseling—Present basic information and fundamentals regarding Insurance and Monetary Oversight.


Just a bit about the evolution of the material. For years I’ve wanted to write a detailed book about the “Primary Human Emotions”, but delayed it for want of the proper format and venue. Then in the year 2015, upon examination of what was happening politically, culturally, sociologically, and governmentally in our country and globally—I knew the time was opportune. Truly, as I’m sure many of you may have observed; insanity reigns! As I write on the back cover copy of my book; not since the Civil War has our country been so dangerously and ideologically divided. I turn on the TV and what do I hear, ironically I hear these very words said by TV pundits,  “that not since the Civil War has our country been so dangerously divided.”

We are in the midst of a silent and for now bloodless coup in our country perpetrated by the liberal left. Your freedoms are rapidly disappearing and you need to pay attention and wake up.

As I write on the back cover, “it is emotion that drives every single human behavior”, “decisions and actions based upon distorted emotion can only bring disastrous results”, “by and large–humanity is out of sync in regard to rhythmic emotional behavior”, and “emotional disharmonies form the foundation of “Modern-Day Liberalism”.

If you read this book, I assure you that you will learn more about the human emotions than you have ever learned before. You can search every academic environment of every college and university across America and not find what’s in this book.

This book should be in the hands of every young adult, older adult, married couple, business professional, white collar, blue collar, and mental health professional.

J.D. Mitschke
February 28, 2017

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