“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” 1   —Genesis 1:27

It seems there is a great deal of confusion regarding human sexuality here in the United States of America as well as across other cultures of our world today. Was there ever a period in the history of our nation and the world, the onset marked by such suddenness and confusion; in which so much indecision and struggle revolved around the task that many individuals have extreme difficulty with, that is, determining their ‘sexuality’, or stated otherwise, their ‘sexual orientation’?

It should be a simple decision for one. Just strip down in front of a mirror, examine closely one’s sex organs, and determine if one’s organs ‘extrude’ or ‘intrude’. If those organs ‘extrude’, one is male and has a penis; if those organs ‘intrude’, one is female and has a vagina. So simple! One is either a male (M) or a female (F). Of course, there are other physiological differences that mark those distinctions between a male and female, but for now for the sake of simplicity, we’ll leave those aside.

Currently, for some to establish their ‘sexuality’ is an incredible challenge, wrought with pitfalls—as if this should even approach the level of a laborious task! In an era with the most scientific and sophisticated methods available for ease of observation and identification, what should be an easy task eludes many. Consider the advancements made for the determination of one’s sex; from the basic mirror, to technology that identifies the sex of a child in-uterus pre-birth! There should be no doubt.

Should it occur in a culture and society that the citizens are functioning in accordance with rudimentary and fundamental understandings and sciences of sexuality, that is, Heterosexual Male or Female, HMF; that condition of existence should foster understanding among the citizens and serve to unify the culture, and furthermore help to dissolve any misunderstandings that may occur. And as a value-added, these conditions would be an ideal circumstance for instructing the younger generations as they grow and mature in society.

Instead, the movement is away from HMF, we have evolved to LGBTQ+… ABC, XYZ, etc., and still evolving in such a short period of time. This may force the evolutionists into a tailspin as evolution typically needs millions of years to happen! How on earth did our culture arrive at this incredible dilemma so quickly? And these aberrations (fanciful hybrids) of sexual orientation unfortunately serve to drive wedges into our culture and society which can only divide the people. Where, when, and how did things veer so dramatically off track?

I’m reminded of words often spoken and repeated—and generally these words are stated at times in life when outcomes—of whatever we’re referring to—are completely different from the originally designed goals. One may hear, “Okay, everyone, we’re way off course, it’s time for a reality check to get things back to basics and fundamentals.” This may occur in an organization, business, agency, club, a professional team, or whatever. All of which were formed and created with a mission statement, a purpose, and specific goals. Sometimes, things just somehow veer off-course from their original charter.

Our current era marks such a time in our nation, culture, and world. Focused attention and drastic measures need to be engaged to steer humanity back to fundamentals and basics regarding an understanding of the components and sexual nature of the human being!

To solve this human sexual identity dilemma, we need to go all the way back in time to the first chapter in Genesis as referenced above.

But wait a moment, not so fast! The above verse has nothing to do with the creation of ‘Man’, homo sapiens. Look closely, we’re still in the sixth day of creation in Genesis chapter one. The prototype of homo sapiens, the actual physical creature, ‘Adam’, was not created until the seventh day, as found in chapter two of Genesis, 2:7; “And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (soul).”2And of course, ‘Eve’ was created soon thereafter.

Here’s the dilemma. If ‘Man’, ‘homo sapiens’ was not created on the sixth day in chapter one… then what sort of creation is chapter one referring to?

And added here just for understanding, Adam (and later Eve) did not necessarily mean a single individual. Rather, Adam, was a metaphor, representing symbolically the advent of prototypical humanity. And furthermore, Adam and Eve were HMF as far as we know.

For better clarity you must understand this: a ‘day’ in Genesis is not what you think of as the twenty-four-hour day. Remove that deeply ingrained notion from your mind. A ‘day’ in Genesis cosmology is more likely hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years. We can only speculate. Therefore, in Genesis chapter two, not until the seventh day of creation did God create ‘Adam’, which was likely thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years later than day six.

No doubt there is a great mystery surrounding the creation of humanity. If all individuals were honest with themselves, they would admit that they don’t know. Their best conclusions are a result of magical-thinking and fantasy. The evolutionists ‘believe’ they know, but they really don’t.

In evolutionary theory it goes like this; ‘this evolved from this… and this over eons of time evolved into this… for the reason that that resembles this… and this resembles that… and this is a cousin to that… and the backbone of a bird resembles the spine of a rodent… and that particular rodent is a cousin of the now extinct Tasmanian hare, happening over thousands of years… and so on and so forth… etc., etc’. Evolutionary theory is nonsense resting upon a foundation of fantasy!

And here’s a quirky thing about evolutionary theory: the hard-core evolutionists have made their theory into their own brand of religion. Evolution is not based upon facts, proof, logic, science, nor common sense. Rather, it is all based upon belief, which ironically, is the very foundation of Christianity and religion which the evolutionists so venomously hate and attack—that is, belief! Then, what we have here is a classic example of ‘psychological projection’. The evolutionists have created their own brand of religion, when all the while, hating and loathing traditional religions. As the saying goes, ‘we have become the very thing we hate’!

One analysis is that the existing ‘sexuality confusion’, exacerbated by their theory of evolution is being deeply infused and ingrained into our educational system and culture via the liberal-progressives doctrine and the departments of education. The liberal evolutionists want to convince humanity that this layer of biological material on earth, which includes all humanity, is in great part just a bunch of malleable, changing, and evolving material.

Consequently, they think they can mold and fashion it into whatever they want. In this case they are attempting to shape and mold humanity according to their own (fake) religion! Then with ease they can say, “To hell with biology, to hell with thousands of years of human experience, and Universal and Natural Laws!” And a great number of the masses across our country are buying into this garbage. Shame on you if you’re one of them! Hey Citizen, wake the hell up!

Let’s get back to the creation of ‘Man’, homo sapiens. If the day six of creation was not the actual creation of ‘Man’, homo sapiens, that is, “male and female created he them”, what was it?

Here’s the answer: In the ‘sixth’ day, God created the ‘souls’ which were to ultimately attach to and inhabit the very physical bodies which were eventually created on the ‘seventh’ day. God deemed ‘Man’, homo sapiens—which were incredibly designed machines—as ‘the crowning pinnacle of creation’ and the most ideally suitable vehicles to carry out this task. The purpose of this is because God, the ‘Divine Creator’ of this universe and all things, is growing, expanding, and enriching this Grand Creation. It must be this way, otherwise all creation will revert to contraction, non-growth, and ultimate decay. The task and obligation of the ‘souls’ are to add growth and enrichment to this major branch of creation which includes this earth. Ultimately, this very growth and enrichment is contributed back to God, the Source of All Divinity. Hence, Man, homo sapiens, the ideal vehicle created by God, was intended to fulfill the obligation for which he was created, that is, to foster creativity and growth.

Keep in mind also that in day six of the creation, God had not yet completed all of creation. God, being the author and creator of all ‘Laws’, these ‘Laws’ were not yet fully in place in the time frame of Genesis chapter one. Therefore, the many souls which were already created—born from God and pre-ordained to serve in the growth of this creation of the earth—had a great deal of freedom and autonomy in this environment as many ‘Laws’ still to be created were not yet in place to govern their activity. The creation was not yet complete.

And at this point, theologians, preachers, rabis, et. al., give full attention. In Genesis chapter one, the word ‘Lord’ is not found. A curious fact, isn’t it? Why? Because ‘Lord’ is in fact another word for ‘Law’ or ‘Laws’. It’s not until Genesis chapter two that the word ‘Lord’ first appears, and then throughout the Bible, ‘Lord’ appears with great frequency in both the Old and New Testament. And why? Because ‘Lord’ means ‘the Law’. Many confuse ‘God’ and the ‘Lord’ as one and the same. They are not. God is the author and creator of all ‘Laws’. It’s simply by habit and rote repetition that people got into the pattern of associating and calling God, ‘Lord’.

(At this juncture we will bridge a gap between creation and our modern era.)

Currently, a contentious issue of our time, abortion vs. the right to life, is hotly raging. One facet of this issue focuses on the argument of when life begins. The pro-abortionists claim that the fetus is not a human, while the pro-life side claims that life begins at conception. No doubt, the fetus is alive. But does that make it a human being? It seems that neither side prevails in this argument to deliver facts and real substance. Completely absent from these heated debates, certainly in my observations, is addressing the question—exactly when does the soul enter the human body?

The best answer I can provide for this query may be extracted from Genesis 2:7. “And the Lord God… breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” This concurs with other teachings and mentors I’m familiar with. At birth, at the first breath of life, the soul enters the body and then in all respects a person is now for all intents and purposes a human being.

At this point we can take a brief peek at a whole new complex discussion. You may not have thought of this but there is a great deal of planning and calculating that goes into the decision-making process of selecting the ideal soul for the ideal body at the correct moment in time. Do you think it’s easy? It’s got to be a difficult job. Consider, there are millions of souls and millions of bodies that potentially will be paired together.

And to make matters disastrous, here come the liberal-progressive pro-abortionists and kill the baby at birth! You heard me right — I said kill! —that baby. At that moment the baby was a living (soul), breathing human being, and the parties involved committed premeditated murder. These are shameful acts! And then they have the gall to sell the body parts!

The following may be a reason why the above discussion, of when the soul enters the body is absent in the current arena of debate. Because a great number of atheists and liberal-progressives support abortion, they likely don’t think a person has a soul anyway, so the argument becomes a dead issue. Whereas the pro-life Christians think the fetus has a soul at conception, but I don’t see them as confident in their position. I don’t hear much mentioned at all about the soul, do you?

As stated earlier we know that souls are created either ‘male’ or ‘female’, referencing Genesis one. That soul will remain that ‘sex’ throughout its existence. That is an Immutable Law.

Here, distinctive characteristics need to be made between the ‘body’ and the ‘soul’. A soul will always attach to a body of the opposite ‘gender’, or to choose another understandable word, ‘charge’, that is, of either a positive charge (+ polarity), or a negative charge (– polarity). A body has a particular ‘charge’ as does a ‘soul’. Stated another way; the soul is either active (+), or passive (–). Clarify in your mind, associate these words as to function, do not confuse these words in a qualitative manner, that is, positive/negative (as in attitude), good/bad, etc.

In a man and woman relationship, the man may be referred to as the active half, and the woman the passive half. In either case, both serve in key positions in the relationship, complementing one another, not in opposition to one another. By nature, opposite polarities (+ and -) attract; like polarities (+ + or – –) repel.

Hence, a soul of a positive/active (+) charge will always choose, attach to, and inhabit a body of a female. A soul of a negative/passive (–) charge will always choose, attach to, and inhabit the body of a male.

It cannot happen otherwise than this. It is an Immutable Law. For those who hold to the notion that a soul has several experiences on this earthly realm, otherwise referred to as ‘reincarnation’, one will always be born the same sex. It will NEVER happen that a soul will mistakenly choose a body of the wrong physical sex. For any person to claim they were born the wrong physical sex, which they conveniently use as an excuse for their woefulness, or to medically alter their body by surgery or drugs, is nonsense!

Even in hermaphroditic circumstances, it may be concluded that there will be a subtle preponderance of characteristics towards one sex or the other, despite having physical sexual characteristics of both. It cannot be equally both. There is a soul inhabiting that body and it must be the correct gender that complements the dominant-leaning physical gender.

The brilliant Swiss psychologist, C.G. Jung, one of the greatest empiricists of the twentieth century, demonstrated unequivocally that the soul of a man is negative (–), and that of a woman is positive (+). Respectively, the psychological terms he used were ‘animus’ for the man, and ‘anima’ for the woman. When you have a few months of free time, study-up on Jung.

There is a universal law that permeates all of existence. It is termed the ‘Law of Three Forces’, or simply the ‘Law of Three’. Simply stated, in every phenomenon happening in our physical universe, three forces come into play. They are termed as ‘active’, ‘passive’, and ‘neutralizing’. No lawful or real manifestation can happen without these three forces.

We can find everyday examples easily. When we build a structure we might use a bolt, a nut, and pieces of iron. The bolt (+), the nut (–), and the binding (neutralizing) with the iron create a phenomenon. All fruits and vegetables are an embodiment of the three forces; the positive stem, the negative flower and pollination create the fruit. Two parents, forming a relationship, a male ‘+’, a female ‘–‘, the ‘joining together’ adds the ‘neutralizing’ force, to result in the formation of a child, as well as other phenomena.   

In the Christian Churches across America and the world, is a long-standing tradition spanning many centuries called ‘Holy Matrimony’ or simply the ‘marriage sacrament’. Here, a man (active principle), and a woman (passive principle), may unite under the ‘neutralizing’ or ‘combining’ principle’ of the relationship and formalized in the church, to become one unit.

These are the ideal and lawful conditions in which a child is produced. Then, the child becomes an heir to those ideal conditioning factors of the ‘Law of Three Forces’. That is, the father (active principle), the mother (passive principle), and a positive home environment (neutralizing principle).

Ideally, the two parents have their act together, that is, they are principled, relatively drug and alcohol free, and unselfish enough to foster the best circumstances possible for that child. And then that child will be well equipped to venture into life as an optimally healthy ‘active’ or ‘passive’ unit, that is, either as a male or female, and the ‘law of three forces’ will be perpetuated.  

Of this there should be no questioning or doubt regarding one’s sexuality, as there are only two possibilities: either a male (M) or a female (F). For parents, teachers, or other caregivers to even suggest, subvert, or force that child or adolescent into a decision-making position, questioning whether their naturally endowed sexuality is correct or not, is nothing short of the most egregious, vile, and evil act of child or adolescent abuse! And worse, to maneuver that child into body-altering surgery and drug ‘therapy’ is criminal.

Unfortunately, taking place in the Christian Churches across America—the LGBGT contingency is bull-dozing their way into the Christian Churches demanding inclusion of same sex marriages. This is an unlawful practice meaning that the union of two ‘actives’ and plus the  neutralizing, do not produce a lawful phenomenon, and the same applies to two ‘passives’ plus a neutralizing.

Unknown to many, one may learn of the ‘three forces’ in the New Testament. However, one won’t find the same words as used in this document. Rather, the three forces may be identified under the words, ‘Father’, ‘Son’, and ‘Holy Ghost’. Like many things in the Bible, the original meanings have become altered almost at times beyond their original meaning to become unrecognizable. The aggressive intrusion of the LGBGT same-sex marriage demands is a profanation and bastardization of the ‘Law of Three’, or, ‘Father, Son, and Holy Ghost’. Is there any push-back by the church ministers, priests, or rabis? Hardly any at all! Most cave-in like a row of cheap dominoes, and you can bet, the emotion of fear is a determining factor driving their behavior.  

There’s one more edifice or foundation of the LGBGTQ+ cornerstone that needs to be exposed if not torn down completely. Let’s establish that the ‘behaviors’ of the LGBGTQ+ are not grounded in genetics, that is, they are not ‘lawfully created’ components of the individual. Rather, the behaviors of the LGBGTQ+ are just as said, ‘behaviors’.

Furthermore, the ‘behaviors’ are not naturally occurring and are based entirely on factors that are; psychological, environmental, and developmental, as regards any one individual. But the one word that is more all-encompassing is the word ‘behaviors’, as the word behavior points to the result of decisions. The resulting actions are augmented by drivers of emotional elements within the individual.  

Then, how can it happen that in the domain of politics and governance, new laws are being demanded and passed to accommodate what?—behaviors? Where in the United States Constitution are ‘behaviors’ protected? Where in the Bill of Rights are ‘behaviors’ protected? How is it that our government is creating protected sub-classes of people, and granting those sub-classes additional sets of rights different than all the other people? Based upon what? Behaviors!

And then, to bolster and even sanction these aberrant behaviors, which fundamentally are ‘unnatural behaviors’, they are ‘celebrated’ in our culture mainly by the liberal-progressive left. They are celebrated to the extent that those who engage in these behaviors are awarded a figurative ‘badge of courage’. This in essence shows the outcome of decades of promoting the slogan, “Celebrate Diversity”, by the liberal-progressive left. One hears, “Oh, look at so-and-so, he/she was so courageous to ‘come out’,”! And then, any who dare to push back against and oppose these aberrations of behavior are viciously attacked and labeled as ‘sexist and homophobic’.   

The Constitution of the United States begins, “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States…” The Constitution does not begin, “WE THE CLASSES AND SUB-CLASSES of the United States…” America is being transformed. America is being divided into classes and sub-classes. The notion to ‘make a more perfect union’ is under assault. This manipulation is by design. And one of the tools that is used as a wedge to divide Americans, is what? Sexuality.

This is a manipulation and a violation of the lawful order of human existence perpetrated by the liberal-progressive socialist left. It is not designed to unite but rather to spread division. In evangelical terms, it is a crime against humanity as well as the ‘Father, Son, and Holy Ghost’!

Citizens, wake up from your sleep!

1, 2, The Holy Bible – From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts–A.J. Holman Company – Philadelphia, Penn. 1957

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