Exploring The Psychological Foundations Of The Disorder
Not since the U.S. Civil War has our country been so dangerously divided along ideological fronts. Then, the precipitating issues were few and clear-cut. Now, 150 years later, again our nation is moving towards the precipice of a great potential split, threatening to tear us apart.
Except this time, the ideological divide rests upon a multitude of contentious issues–ones which are driven in large part by the distorted emotionality of both the electorate and our leadership.
These emotional forces have been steadily building in recent decades and are now approaching a breaking point that if breached, can only result in an explosiveness that will be unprecedented in our time.
In Modern-Day Liberalism, you will discover:
- It is emotion that drives every single human behavior.
- Decisions and actions based upon distorted emotion can only bring disastrous results.
- What the distorted emotionality is composed of and what is the foundation of it.
- By and large–humanity is out of sync in regard to natural rhythmic emotional behavior.
- Emotional disharmonies form the foundation of modern-day liberalism.
Written in a straight-forward easy to read style, this book is not to be read quickly and then lightly tossed aside; rather it should be pondered over and re-read as it may serve as a means to your own self-discovery.

J.D. Mitschke
Just a bit about the evolution of the material. For years I’ve wanted to write a detailed book about the “Primary Human Emotions”, but delayed it for want of the proper format and venue. Then in the year 2015, upon examination of what was happening politically, culturally, sociologically, and governmentally in our country and globally—I knew the time was opportune. Truly, as I’m sure many of you may have observed; insanity reigns! As I write on the back cover copy of my book; not since the Civil War has our country been so dangerously and ideologically divided. I turn on the TV and what do I hear, ironically I hear these very words said by TV pundits, “that not since the Civil War has our country been so dangerously divided”.
We are in the midst of a silent and for now bloodless coup in our country perpetrated by the liberal left. Your freedoms are rapidly disappearing and you need to pay attention and wake up.
A Must Read!
A wonderful take on Liberalism and the negative impact it has on the world.
Psycologically informative while easy to read
Though not a liberal, I learned a lot about myself by reading this book. Condensing all emotions down to 5 makes it much simpler to understand myself and others.
Great Read!
This is an eye-opening book! A must read!