1. All ‘behaviors and activities’—otherwise characterized as ‘movements and activities’ in the life sphere of every single individual—manifest by virtue of the emotional component: whether that activity can be described as; moving towards, moving away from; acting with, acting against; remaining isolated, adhering to the group; conforming, or being the non-conformist; becoming a leader or a follower; accepting, or taking a stance of denial; to destroy, or to build; or having the capacity to be the introvert or the extrovert; these may be described as ‘movements’ or, ‘behaviors and activities’.

The Emotional Component (and in our discussion we will focus on the Emotional Component, as segregated from the four major human structural components, i.e., the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and the Spiritual), is an inborn organic instinctual component of each and every individual, endowed to all, irrespective of race, culture, ethnicity, or gender; and emotions are not created, or evolve as a by-product of social, racial, societal, nor cultural conditioning.

But, the naturally occurring emotions may be subject to repressions, suppressions, misinterpretations, or denied; and further subject to the following influencing conditions of existence to include; the psychological, developmental, environmental, behavioral, and educational—which, all factored in together, create disharmonies within the individual and disrupt the natural rhythm and harmony of the emotional functioning.

For purposes of our discussion, in identifying the optimum, positive, and natural—state of functioning of the emotions, we’ll describe that state of emotional functioning as; ‘Emotional Rhythm and Harmony’.

It may be concluded that due to the common lawfully endowed components and factors of the Emotional Structure, bestowed to all humanity at birth without exception—this component is one foundation stone upon which it may be concluded with the utmost of certainty that , “All Men are created equal”.

However, this facet of equality of creation does not guarantee nor pre-suppose equality of outcomes, as each person is subject to myriad sets of conditioning factors which will mold and direct unique emotional development and affect behaviors and activities, which in turn will dramatically alter an individual’s life direction and circumstances.

Contrast what was just stated above with the notion that a main drive of liberalism is to guarantee (force) universality and equality in ‘outcomes’. Hence, “All men are created equal”, to them means; free health care, free education, food stamps, SSI, free safe places, etc., etc.

Despite all that, humanity must come to an understanding and acceptance that each and every human being is fully responsible for all the various effects and consequences of their own behavior and activity. Current circumstances are not to blame, and certainly past history is not the blame for an individual’s current woes.

Once this is understood, it will go directly to the heart of destroying the phenomena of ‘psychological projections’. As we all should recognize, in our current culture, including societal, governmental, and political—‘psychological projections’ are running rampant and are out of control.

The goal is for ALL to achieve ‘enlightenment’ and forthwith withdraw their vicious projections! Never again to hear, “So-and-so is to blame for all my life’s woes and shortcomings”— but never myself!—this is a prevailing and totally wrong-headed mindset! Example: “This statue of Robert E. Lee is responsible for how I feel, therefore, I will rip it down so that I feel better!”

In our current culture, it seems that few are willing to take responsibility for their own actions and outcomes. Instead, personal responsibility has been replaced by projecting blame upon others, lashing out at others and destroying the work of their labor.

Then, as reactionary measures, pushing for entitlements of all kinds, making demands of others and society, such as recently witnessed in Seattle when the ‘Chopanians’ (formerly ‘Chazanians’) made their list of demands when all the while directly under their feet, six city blocks are degraded into a cesspool of trash, filth, human feces, and vermin; and then they expect others to come in and clean up this mess they’ve created!

2. Every person, at birth, is granted Five Primary Emotions, which become operational and observable as early as six months of age.

Though no particular order is necessary, they are listed below:

) Fear

) Anger

) Grief

) Jealousy

) Love

In order to understand the emotional workings of this complicated, dynamic, and marvelous piece of machinery, an exact science is necessary. An esoteric knowledge, if we may posit that.

Having witnessed the inside of academia, where the sciences are taught to those embarking on a professional career in mental health, I will attest, the science is flawed; and if the science is flawed, then, the tools of observation and interventions will be lacking and this will lead to incomplete conclusions and outcomes.

Even the overarching term, “mental illness”, which is used to designate an illness in the psychological realm, is a misnomer, as these illnesses have nothing or little to do with the mental, but rather, illnesses of the emotions.

Would anyone embark on a career in automobile upkeep and repair without first learning intimately the workings of the internal combustion engine and mechanics?—or a surgeon practice surgery without first knowing thoroughly the material working and components of the human body? Of course not! But yet, the psychological sciences remain an incomplete science in our major colleges and universities.

The ‘psychological sciences’ differ from other ‘hard’ sciences in that one can’t subject the human emotions to the ‘laboratory bench’ for complete analysis and observation. Rather, it is primarily through observation of human behavior that the nature of emotions may be inferred and concluded.

This helps explain why there’s been no concise portrayal and cataloging of the primary human emotions. There is no scientific consensus, only divergent opinions, that is, not until now, with the publication of my book.

3. I’ve amended the old axiom of Descartes:

     “I think—therefore I am.”

My amendment:

     “I feel—therefore I respond and react.”

Indeed, the emotions are reactionary. We have no emotional intelligence as some have ventured to speculate. The emotions don’t think. The brain thinks. But herein lies the chief problem with liberals and liberalism; liberals think with their emotions—not their head-brain!

The most critical years in which a person is subject to aberrations in the emotional component is during the years, one through seven.

During these critical years, conditioning factors are at their peak. All these conditioning factors begin to condense and constellate into organized wholes or multiple ‘idée-fixe’ structures called ‘attitudes’, and may be viewed as ‘hard-wiring’ which will remain in place throughout the life of the individual.

Consider many in leadership in D.C on Capitol Hill, despite having many years of higher education, are imprisoned into ‘thinking’ with their emotions, and are subjects to their own particular ‘idée-fixes’ and ingrained ‘attitudes’.

Adding to the challenge of them ever ‘awakening’ from this ‘state of imprisonment’ of theirs—is the progressive refinement of their ability to rationalize and intellectualize their ‘emotional thinking’. Once this ‘emotional thinking’ becomes hardened into ‘beliefs’, they are almost impossible to break down.

Do you want them serving you in any decision making capacity?—seriously?—no!

The psychologist, C.G. Jung, referred to these constellates of emotion, “feeling-toned complexes”, and viewed these aberrations as the basis of an individual’s ‘neuroses’, and an examination of their root cause, revealed a violation at the level of instinct.

And the following is key in understanding the behavior of the liberal: This etiological framework explains why it is almost impossible to have a rational logical debate or conversation with a liberal. It’s as if they’re under the influence of a post-hypnotic suggestion and their immovable stance is supported by subjective ‘belief’ and ‘feeling’.

Can this hard-wiring be altered? Yes!—of course, but not always easily. But it will not be altered at the level of the ‘collective’ but only at the level of the individual.

4. The goal for one is to have one’s emotions working in harmony, rhythm, and proportion of expression. What does such a condition look like, and how can we identify it?

The road back to psychological wholeness must begin with an accurate identification of the problematic circumstances.

The entire foundational study of our modern era of psychological diagnoses and interventions rests upon defining these aberrations in the human psyche. They are commonly known as ‘mental illnesses’. Having said that, ‘mental illnesses’ has little if anything at all to do with the ‘mental’, but rather with the ‘emotional’.

Some have come close (as listed below) to an identification of this emotional structure, but in error, missed the mark:

In the mid twentieth century, Wilhelm Reich, among the generation of those in the tradition of Freud, Jung, and others—Reich, the ‘re-discoverer’ of the ‘orgone’  energy, wrote of the ‘Emotional Plague’, and how it entraps humanity. Here’s a direct quote from one of his works;

“It IS possible to get out of this trap. However, in order to break out of prison, one first must confess to being in prison. The trap is man’s emotional structure, his character structure.”

Here, Reich takes the step of equating a man’s emotional structure to his character structure.

The most difficult step in getting out of this trap is for one to first acknowledge and accept that they’re in one! But how does one come to that realization in the first place?

Ironically, towards the end of his life—the very thing that Reich placed center stage in his work—expressed his frustration that at some level of his own understanding, a comprehensive grasp of the functioning of the human emotions eluded him and escaped his purview.

Then, in the 1950’s, the equivalent of the ‘Deep State’ placed Reich under arrest, imprisoned him, and burned his many books and manuscripts. Why? Because they knew he was on to something revolutionary that could potentially free humanity!

Then, by 1957, Reich, a broken, destroyed, anathematized by the ‘deep state’, and now an imprisoned man—died in prison!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this happened in the United States of America! The Deep State does NOT want you, the citizen, to become free. They want to keep you drugged, ignorant, and enslaved! That goes for the black, white, and brown races. This is one area where the deep state doesn’t practice color discrimination!

Another, the writer, L. Ron Hubbard invented “Dianetics”. The goal was for one to become a ‘clear’; to become a ‘clear’, meaning, free of emotional aberrations. But then, Hubbard did not know nor understand thoroughly the workings of the human emotions. He certainly didn’t name them. Therefore, his science was flawed.

But this didn’t stop masses of people from glomming on to his work, and soon, his work devolved and was diluted into a religion with millions now adhering to “Dianetics’ and ‘Scientology’.

Moving forward in time, in 1970, Dr. Arthur Janov wrote the book, “The Primal Scream”. Though he stumbled upon his ‘new’ therapy by accident—it was hailed a provocative, revolutionary, and important work. Indeed, he had great success by having his patients scream (externalize) their pent of fears and phobias. Make no mistake—he had many therapeutic successes with many patients.

Unfortunately with some, it did not produce results (and there’s a simple explanation for that which I don’t believe Dr. Janov nor his detractors understood).

Consequently, the A.P.A. (American Psychological Association – populated in great number by liberal-progressives) and the psychological progressive establishment began to anathematize and peck him to death, not only because of his few failures, but more importantly, because of his many successes! They resented his successes! Very soon, his ‘new’ therapy drifted into oblivion.

More recently, in the 1990’s, Danial Goleman published his book, “Emotional Intelligence”, a New York Times best seller.

No doubt, Goleman is a very intelligent man. The book is well written. I get the drift of why he wrote the book. Those who have a better grasp and understanding of their emotions will serve themselves and others better in society, business, and family if they acquire ‘emotional intelligence’—so goes the gist of the book.

But then, I don’t think Goleman truly understands what the primary human emotions materially consist of. Furthermore, the title to his book is a misnomer. The emotions do not possess intelligence as we understand intelligence, as emitting from the head brain.

Many are familiar with the work of Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has become quite a phenomenon attracting thousands to his sold out speaking engagements. It is obvious that many are looking for answers to explain the characteristics and temper of our times.

Dr. Peterson recently stated, rhetorically, (paraphrasing) “It seems the climate of conflict in the culture has been accelerating in tempo.” He too, is asking the question of why the division and conflict is widening.

The answer is pretty simple:

The root cause is emotional dysfunction.

Up to post WWII, the accepted standards which denote emotional health and/or dysfunction, occurring over many generations, had by then engrained and established itself at a certain normative and accepted levels.

Then, with the advent of the ‘cultural revolution’, the ‘boomer generation’, and the creation of the ‘great society’ of the liberal Democrats especially as it affected the black community—the institution that suffered the greatest was the American nuclear family.

The American family, taking as a given and a minimum that therein, at least some degree of harmony is found, is where the individual is most likely to learn and internalize a foundation of emotional rhythm and harmony.

But once the family began to disintegrate, so did the emotional foundation of the very young. So now, this perverse emotional pathology becomes progressively worse with each new generation! It’s like the spreading of a cancer; the larger the cancer grows; geometrical progression makes it appear it’s growing larger more quickly!

This, Dr. Peterson, is the answer to your question.

The emotions are an instrument designed to carry out a specific function. When the emotions are dutifully doing their job—our (brain) intelligence may become more fully engaged—having all the reason, logic, and common sense available to it!

It’s when emotions are out of kilter and discharge volatile energy into the brain circuitry, which causes thinking to become scrambled; then, thinking and actions take on the characteristic of irrationality.

Hence, for the sake of repeating myself, I will say that liberalism is irrational and subjective, as it is founded upon dysfunctional emotions.

Having spent ,many of my professional years in the milieu of sales, with time, it became clearer to me that anyone engaged in the profession of sales would do well to understand thoroughly the workings and dynamics of the human emotions.

But then, well known names like Zigler, Carnegie, Hill, Girard, Robbins, and others; did not know and understand the emotional structure from a scientific standpoint as set forth in my book.

Remember, ALL behavior is driven by emotion. Any sales person bogged down with fears and having a crippled emotion of jealousy (go back and review this emotion so that it’s clear and not misunderstood), will have an uphill battle to achieve success!

5. Causative factors of these ‘emotional upheavals’ of hate:

A key dynamic of emotional functioning is that when the emotions are working in harmony and rhythm, the emotional reaction will be in proportion to the circumstance which brought forth the emotional reaction.

Every emotional reaction with the exception of the emotion of Love, should naturally manifest in proportion to the triggering circumstance. When this happens, there will not remain any lingering residual or repressive emotion. That energetic discharge has been dissipated.

Love, or Altruistic Love, or Unconditional Love, is considered the ‘highest’ of the human emotions. This degree of Love is characterized by an endless outpouring—not proportionality, as characterized by the other emotions.

Base forms of love are governed by proportionality. One says, “I love broccoli”, or “I hate broccoli.” Many, many people in life express this baser form of love. Why not just say, “I like broccoli,” instead of profaning this emotion?

By the way, hate is not the opposite emotion of love. I hear this often said. This is a fallacy. This deserves explanation. Hate occurs when the natural emotion of anger is denied or repressed, and then begins to accumulate, congeal, and fester in the unconscious of the individual, creating a pool of hate!

The groups of the radical Antifa who perpetrated the recent destruction, and the passive ‘peaceful’ protesters who turned a blind eye to the destruction (but make no mistake—the ‘peaceful protestors too, had within their psyche, a degree of this same hatred, and were driven by intense internally congealed and repressed hatred).

These actions were not a display of proportionality, as if one single event could bring forth such disproportional anger; in this case, the killing of George Floyd. That is a big lie that BLM, the mainstream press, and many in leadership buy into, that is, that one single event was responsible for the massive outpouring of hatred across many cities of our nation.

No, this display of hatred by BLM, Antifa, and the ‘peaceful protestors’ was a culmination of years of hate collecting within the psyche of those responsible for the destruction. The killing of Floyd was simply an excuse as they saw it as an opportunity to unleash their hate!   

6. So…? Now what? What about human emotional functioning?

The basis of Emotional Harmony should be established within the young child in those very first seven years of life so that a firm foundation is laid for a life of harmony and well-being—not, to lay a foundation within the child of destructive and self-defeating attitudes and negativity.

There exist naturally occurring rites of passage built into our very instinctual foundation, and some traditions of human behavior and activity have been instituted around that foundation, and the unfolding of which should establish the groundwork for one to have a life of enriched experience, liberty, and happiness.

Humanity is far out of sync with those necessary steps in that progression.

If, during the years of one through seven, a foundation of Emotional Rhythm and Harmony is established within the child, by the time the child reaches adolescence and young adulthood, a framework will unfold in which that person is drawn towards an understanding and acceptance of the Spiritual.

That juncture in the rite of passage may still be found in our Judeo-Christian tradition in which the young adolescent is initiated into adulthood via the rites of Christian Confirmation, and by the bar and bat mitzvah tradition of the Jewish faith, to name two.

The same sort of rite has existed for thousands of years in older so-called ‘primitive’ cultures as well.

This sacred rite of passage will reorient one to begin looking outward with an attitude of respect, humility, and a sense of awesomeness of the world around them. It is an opening to the window of the soul as one becomes aware of their Spiritual heritage and their ultimate destiny.

Contrariwise, if interruptions occur in this period of development, the opposite outcome is that one stays selfishly oriented, filled with hate and fear. I have found that those who subscribe to agnosticism and atheism generally disclose that they came to that decision during their teen to late teen years, at the very time their Spirituality should be awakening.

A secondary consequential characteristic of the broken rhythm during the rites of passage of the individual is the dominance of narcissism. In my opinion, narcissism and selfishness run rampant in our culture! And this includes the very young all the way up through levels of government and elected officials!

Narcissistic tendencies are established during those first seven years of life and may remain fixed for the lifetime of that individual.

What will it take to heal the divide in our country?

Real and lasting change must begin at the level of the individual. It will not happen at the level of the collective or masses. The larger the number of the masses and the collective grows—the greater the likely-hood that individual voices of reason and good sense are snuffed out!

7. Let’s focus our attention for a time and talk more in depth about one of our primary emotions—the emotion of anger. Anger, surely, is greatly misunderstood in our culture. Anger, as well as all the other emotions, are ALL positive expressions as long as the expressions are in proportion to the circumstance which brings forth their expression.

Wrong notions about anger are abundant. Many are fearful of the emotion of anger. Many associate anger with ‘negativity’. In the perception of some, succumbing to the expression of anger is a weakness. For example, engaging another in a strong volleying of expression of anger may bring severe criticism upon one. The accusation of, ‘dropping down to their level’, is typically leveled against one! That’s non-sense!

Where does this faulty learning come from? It comes from parents, teachers, and is intimately woven into our cultural Judea-Christian beliefs and ethics.

Here, I want to interject—I want to be very clear about this point. In no manner what-so-ever do I insinuate that our Judeo-Christian tradition is at fault for the shortcomings in our culture, or that ‘the Churches have failed us’.

No, those who wish to blame the Church have no one to blame but themselves.

The roots and foundation of the Church and Biblical teachings originated from ‘esoteric’ teachings and knowledge, instituted from the greatest teacher of all time, Jesus!

Over time, those teachings have become ‘exoteric’, meaning; they have become diluted, watered down, and their original meaning has been lost. For this, people are responsible.   

But then, there’s a mindset that an expression of anger would obligate one to ask for God’s forgiveness. Why? That’s nonsense—to ask God’s forgiveness for doing what’s natural and expedient, from a created component in our very instinct!

Proverbs 15:18 “A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.”

Proverbs 16:32 “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”

How can one be slow to anger? Simple!—by keeping one’s repressed pool of hatred and vengeful anger drained and eliminated.

If one is housing within their psyche a great deal of pent up repressed hatred, they’re more likely to speedily ‘fly off the handle’ and commit irrational acts of destruction. We see this happening around our nation today with the venomous hatred directed to the police.

For many generations our Christian ethic taught via Biblical tradition;

Ephesians 4:26, “Be angry but sin not; and let not the sun go down on your anger.”

Preventing ‘the sun from going down on one’s anger’ means expressing anger in proportion at the time the event calls for it. If one ‘takes it to bed with them’ it will then sink to the level of the unconscious mind and begin to fester into a poison.

There’s another ingrained belief within our culture that’s deserves explanation. It’s the notion found Biblically that if one is ‘struck on the cheek’; they should ‘turn the other’! Why on earth would one do this? To prove what?—as if that should serve as proof that they are not an angry person, or serve as a prohibition against expressing anger? To prove one practices non-violence?

No! To be able, ‘to turn the other cheek’, is reflective of having the correct attitude!

It doesn’t mean literally, ‘turn the other cheek’!

Mahatma Gandhi may have practiced ‘non-violence’ but that doesn’t mean he did not express anger.

In talking about anger, I’ve stated that anger enables us to meet and resist challenges and aggression against us. I’ve used the term ‘push back’ in referencing the need to express anger and go against obstacles.

It’s in the early morning hours and the parents in authority hear a shattering of glass at a vulnerable entry point of their home. All the family is at great risk. What will the parents do? Practice non-violence? Turn the other cheek? I don’t think so. Call 911 police dispatch? I don’t think so—especially after the events of June, 2020. There are no police! The liberals got rid of them! Here, it may be necessary for the individual to rely on their own resources.

There will be no police to come to your aid if the liberal-progressive-Democrats have their way.

Just the other day I heard the term ‘push back’ on the programs of Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin—happenstance, on the very same day. The position they took on their programs was to point out that there was no ‘push back’ against the vicious attacks currently going on; the destruction in Seattle and other major cities, the desecration of national symbols, monuments, and statutes; the burning and destruction of businesses, etc.

There is NO pushback! Why? Are citizens afraid to? Where are the Democrats? Even more worrisome!—where are the Republicans? Are they afraid of God’s wrath and judgment if they show anger?

The radical liberal progressives suffer no compunction whatever about expressing anger. But then, their anger is not really anger expressed in proportion to the given circumstance, but overflowing pools of raging seething hate!

Rather, it is a continuous eruption both consciously and unconsciously from their psyche carried on with the same periodicity of ‘Old Faithful’!

The throngs of Antifa, the protestors, and the rioters, though they vent portions of their congealed rage, and then gloat that ‘they feel much better’ engaging in their fake catharsis, and pat themselves on the back as if they are doing something noble and worthy… they are not. They are sinking themselves and their ilk deep into perdition and upon their death when they are subject to their judgment, and they will be judged harshly.

It is understandable but should not be acceptable why many Conservatives refrain from expressing anger. Is the answer to be found in their Judeo-Christian learning? They need to re-educate themselves on the human emotions especially the emotion of anger.

Rather than ‘push back’, the prevailing mindset is ‘stand down’!

Our culture needs a complete re-education on the emotion of anger! My esteemed mentor and teacher once said to me, “Make anger your friend.” If we, as a nation of individuals don’t quickly learn how to do that, we will lose our country!

Earlier in this discussion, I drew a distinction between ‘anger’ and ‘hatred’. These are of the same emotional base but the difference is that hatred is a ‘congealing’, festering, accumulation, and repressing of anger.

A question: Where is the line of demarcation at which anger becomes hatred? When hatred is discharged; it goes beyond and exceeds the bounds of proportional ‘pushback’, and resultantly is a violation in human behavior. Then, it becomes an effort to hurt, destroy, and kill.

Proportional ‘pushback’ is always positive—crossing that line of demarcation is negative!

Think of it this way:

Open any newspaper, tune in any TV channel, internet search/home page. Look for the headliner news items. By and large, these outlets are the purveyors of hate!

For over four years, the Democrats, some Republicans, the main stream media, Hollywood, educational institutions—have all been purveyors and peddlers of hate against our lawfully elected president, Donald J. Trump! Let that soak in!

In my hand I have a ‘print screen’ copy of a Yahoo internet news article, titled; “Column: Trump’s Tulsa rally was a dud. Sessions’ tweet about it was cringe-inducing”, found in L.A. Times by Jonah Goldberg, June 22, 2020.

Even the carefully selected photos are the most un-flattering they can find. Sessions is wearing this, ‘cat-that-just-ate-the-canary’, silly grin. All that’s missing are the feathers stuck in his teeth!

This reporting goes beyond facts but rather is a ‘hit job’ of hatred designed to belittle, and destroy. Oh my!—but Goldberg is a Conservative Republican!!!— no!—he’s a Trump-hater. I just proved it!

I can find example after example, ad infinitum, and the intent to hurt, harm, belittle, and destroy, is always willful.

8. Concluding Comments:

Many say, “The United States of America needs a Spiritual re-awakening!” Someone please, explain how that’s going to happen? What will it look like?

Here, I am reminded of the words often said to me from my esteemed mentors and teachers, “Until one is functioning in complete Emotional Harmony and Rhythm—one will be inhibited and blocked from opening to the emotion of Unconditional Love.” This is also the doorway opening to Spirituality.

But humanity is far from this!

Have you noticed that laughter and humor which are a component of the Love quality seem to be vanishing commodities?

Ethnic and cultural individual idiosyncrasies that were once a source of gentle ribbing or a ‘roasting’ of an individual—formerly taken with an attitude of good humor—now… you can bet, someone is ‘offended’, and the instigator of that humor is a ‘racist’ and a ‘hater’!

Where does laughter originate from? Laughter is constellated within and from the emotion of love. Typically, in an atmosphere of laughter, is found the presence of joyousness, pleasure of experience, elevation of experience, and camaraderie.

We, as a nation of people have lost the ability to ‘poke some simple fun at ourselves’! Even late night comedians have become fearful of what they say, unless, a conservative or our president are the subject of the joke. Then, it’s open season!

We have become a nation of fearful, timid, overly sensitive (overly-offendable) people ready to lash out at the least of provocation, even if the intent was for humor.

Can anyone not see how far we as a nation of people have drifted? The simple fact of the absence of laughter should serve as ‘the canary in the coal mine’!

We have become a nation of people far removed from the emotion of Unconditional Love, and are fully immersed in ‘Negativity’.

We, as a nation are losing our ability to have laughter and humor!

Earlier I mentioned that the ideal state of behavior is for one to achieve ‘Emotional Rhythm and Harmony’. What are we to look for to recognize such a state or condition?

Assuredly, there are countless people across the landscape of our country who seem to display certain qualities, such as good communicators, possessing leadership and management skills, high energy and fearless, and otherwise project a certain ‘presence’ about themselves; and may be found in all walks of life; both men and women. On rare occasion we might find them in Washington, D.C.

If pressed to give you one example, I will; that person would be our President, Donald J. Trump. And why do I say this?

For four years on observing Trump, I have yet to see vengefulness or hatred from the man. Anger? Yes, of course, but his anger is always a ‘push-back’ in proportion to the circumstance, and believe me, there is plenty of push-back.  

Remember what I said about anger earlier, it is always expressed in proportion to the circumstance, then, there remains no vengefulness and hatred. Trumps goal is to “Make America Great Again”, and whatever gets in the way of that will be subject to ‘push-back’.

In total, it’s Trump who’s often focused on the positive. It’s the liberal Democrats and their ilk that are immersed in negativity!

Just last night at the Mount Rushmore July 4th celebration, Trump announced the creation of a “National Monument Park” to celebrate the lives of many great Americans. This, of course, was ‘push-back’ against the negative elements in our society who are bent of destroying our history and culture. Trump is fearless and he will not cave!—and the liberals hate him for this!

JD Mitschke

Notes: Biblical Quotes from Holy Bible – From Ancient Eastern Manuscripts. Lamsa.
